Do you know you can cut down a lot of stress when you need to feed your baby on-demand by choosing the best double electric breast pump? And do you know that even a first-time mother can benefit a lot with an electric breast pump?
The answer to these two questions is a resounding YES!
You can really save yourself a lot of stress when you choose the right breast pump.
If your baby is constantly crying for food, you know it can be tough to fulfill his/her needs…especially if you are a mom on the go.
That’s why you need to prepare before-hand for any possible demand your baby might bring.
And that’s where a double electric breast pump can help.
And when you choose the right one, it just makes life easier.
It’s one thing to be ready to pump and it’s another thing to have a product that helps you do that.
For that reason, here are the best reviews on double electric breast pumps that you and your baby will appreciate.
So…What’s the Best Double Electric Breast Pump?
Lansinoh SmartPump Double Electric Breast Pump

This specific breast pump is our recommendation for moms looking for a double electric breast pump!
The Lansinoh Smartpump Double Electric Breast Pump is a tool of its kind.
This double electric breast pump comes with a pumping scale to monitor the pumping schedule and nursing schedule.
Moreover, It features a Bluetooth technology that easily connects with Lansinoh Baby App.
The App can track and record the baby’s growth as well as its overall health conditions.
Its closed design makes it easier to wash, and its phase technology mimics a baby’s natural feeding patterns to stimulate adequate milk production.
If you are trying to keep your baby breastfeeding but always on the go, you need a suitable breast pump to help. With the best breast pump for small nipples, it should be easy and all the extra work you do while do direct breastfeeding should reduce significantly.
Want To See Other Breast Pumps on the List? Read on…
Before getting into the reviews and comparison of different models, here is an overview of the guide:
Best Double Electric Breast Pump – Reviews
1. Medela Pump in Style Advanced with On the Go Tote

The Medela Pump in Style Advanced Breast Pump comes with a backpack or a tote, which one is better?
This really depends on your needs and comes down to personal choice.
Both the backpack and the tote are highly discreet.
There’s no brand name or any other give away markings on the outside of the bag that would indicate what’s inside.
Many mothers who use the pump at work prefer to use the tote. It doesn’t appear quite as obvious as leaving your office with a backpack 3 times a day.
If discretion isn’t a concern then the backpack has slightly more storage room. And the straps make it more comfortable to carry around.
The unit and accessories don’t weigh all that much by themselves. But by the time you’ve pumped and stored away from the milk, you may want to opt for the more comfortable option.
Style may also be a factor in your decision. And in that case, at least for me, the tote wins hands down. The bags also come in either black or butter.
What accessories does it come with?
Out of the box, the Medela Pump in Style Advanced Breast Pump comes with…
- A backpack or tote (depending on which model you prefer)
- Medela Breast Pump Battery pack (batteries not included)
- A PVC removable cooler carrier to keep the milk cold for up to 12 hours
- 4 5oz breast milk bottles & lids
- A travel cap
- 2-24mm breast shields
- 2 Valves
- 4 Membranes
- Contoured ice pack
- Medela Breast Pump Breastfeeding Information Guide
- Medela Breast Pump Instruction Manual
What We Like…
- Outside of the hospital-grade pumps that cost thousands of dollars, the Medela is simply put.. the best breast pump out there.
- The combination of the quality and durability of the motor means that you’ll get years of use from a one time purchase.
- The other thing we’re impressed with is the accessories provided with this Medela Breast Pump.
- While the price may be higher than some of the other electric pumps on the market, none of them come close to offering what you’ll find with the Medela Breast Pump.
What We Don’t Like…
- The first minor complaint is that while it’s relatively easy to disassemble and clean, the fact it uses an open system means that it requires more frequent cleaning than some of the closed system units out there.
- The second minor complaint is the price tag. While The Medela costs quite a deal more than some of the other options out there, you do get what you pay for.
- If you have the money to spend then you won’t find a better option than the Medela Pump in Style Advanced Breast Pump.
What’s the verdict?
Medela Breast Pumps are made with the highest quality materials. And put simply, the Pump in Style Advanced Breast Pump is the best electric breast pump money can buy (outside of the hospital-grade pumps).
If you’re prepared to pay a little more for a high-quality breast pump, then you can’t go wrong.
2. Lansinoh Signature Pro Double Electric Breast Pump

The Lansinoh Signature Pro Double Electric Breast Pump, as the title states, is BPA-free.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term…BPA is an abbreviation for Bisphenol A. It is a key component in the production of many bottles in the past.
Recent studies have shown that the compound is potentially dangerous, especially in the developmental stage.
So it’s important to make sure any products your baby may come into contact with are free of BPA.
The Lansinoh breast pump also uses a ‘closed system’.
This means that the milk doesn’t come into contact with the air at any stage of the pumping process. So, it’s not exposed to any harmful bacteria or contaminants.
The closed system also prevents the milk from backing up into the tubing or the motor where it can stagnate and contaminate any fresh milk pumped through the system.
Is it Comfortable?
The Lansinoh breast pump’s custom expression technology settings mimic the natural feeding pattern of your baby.
The suction starts out at a high-speed bur gentle pressure. This helps to stimulate the breasts and encourage milk flow, known as the letdown phase.
This phase lasts for about 2 minutes, however, you can override the speed or pressure at any time.
The breast flanges on the Lansinoh Signature Pro also come with a rubber seal. This aid with suction as well as providing a comfortable cushion.
And that is important to avoid pain or discomfort if you’re going to be using your pump regularly.
- ComfortFit breast flanges for extra comfort
- Closed System to prevent milk back up for greater hygiene
- One-touch letdown button
- LCD Screen with timer
- 8 Suction and 6 cycles (speed) settings
- Double or Single pumping use
- Built-in bottle holders to prevent spills
How Do I Operate it?
Settings for both speed and suction are easily adjustable by pressing the + and – buttons on the unit.
There are a total of 8 suction settings and 6-speed settings. And the LCD screen will show you which cycle and setting you’re using. It also has a timer to display how long you’ve been using the device.
You may need to experiment for a while before finding the most comfortable and effective setting.
The Lansinoh Breast Pump can either be connected to the AC adapter (included) whilst at home or the office. Alternatively, it can be operated with 6 AA batteries (not included) when you’re on the go.
If the AA batteries are left in the unit whilst the AC adapter is connected, the battery power will not be used.
One problem of note is that you’ll find the Lansinoh Breast Pump loses a bit of power when operated by battery. This may mean you need to slightly alter the settings to get the same results you’ll have when using AC power.
How Easy Is it to Clean?
The closed system means that you won’t have to clean as many parts as you would in an open system pump. However, you still need to clean and sterilize your pump parts regularly, except for the rubber tubing which does not require any maintenance.
All the parts (excluding the tubing) of the Lansinoh Breast Pump are dishwasher safe which makes cleaning very easy.
The only thing to keep in mind here is that the valves can degrade over time so we recommend hand washing them separately for extended life.
When it comes to sterilization you can either boil the parts. Alternatively you can steam sterilize using a microwave bag, which is always my preferred method to cut down on time.
What Accessories are Included?
One of the disappointing things about the Lansinoh Affinity Double Electric Breast Pump is the lack of a carry bag or backpack that many of its competitors feature.
However, you’ll find that the pump is still small enough to fit in most handbags. Provided you don’t mind discarding a few other items.
What is included, however…
- 2 BPA free bottles
- It comes with 2 Bottle Lids
- 2 silicone tubes
- Tubing connector to switch from double to single pumping
- Lansinoh Breast Pump AC Adaptor
- 1 Velcro strap for tubing
- 2 extra white valves
- Lansinoh Breast Pump Instruction manual
What we like about it….
- One of it’s best features is that the Lansinoh Breast Pump is compatible with almost all baby bottles so if you prefer to use your own as opposed to the bottles that sell with the unit you won’t have any hassles.
- It also comes with built-in bottle holders to help prevent spillage.
What we don’t like about it….
- It would have been nice to see a carry bag included as an accessory with the Lansinoh, however, given that it retails at a much lower price than many of its competitors we can understand the decision.
- The other complaint is the noise.
- While it’s not intrusively loud, there are other breast pumps on the market that seem to offer the same results at a quieter level.
The Verdict…
While the Lansinoh Affinity Double Electric Breast Pump doesn’t come with many of the features or accessories that you’ll find with the Medela, it’s a very solid unit that gets great feedback from buyers.
So if money’s a concern for you it’s very hard to go past the Lansinoh for value, coming in at almost one-third of the price of the Medela.
Therefore, if you are looking for the best affordable double electric breast pump, the Lansinoh Signature Pro is your best option.
3. Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump

The Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump is a double electric breast pump that can be a lifesaver for a busy mother when time is a concern.
A pumping session on a dual pump will usually last about 20 minutes, sometimes shorter once you master the art.
This is what makes it the best double electric breast pump for working moms.
The Ameda comes with 2 dials.. one for a cycle (speed), and another for suction, offering 32 combinations all up.
Expressing milk can sometimes be an uncomfortable experience. So it’s important to be able to customize the process to your liking.
One noticeable absence from the Ameda is a custom setting to stimulate the flow of milk (known as the letdown phase).
While the same function can be achieved by setting a higher cycle (speed) for the first couple of minutes of pumping, we would have preferred to see them offer a separate setting for it.
The pump also comes with six 4oz bottles. But it’s compatible with most baby bottles out there so using your preferred ones shouldn’t be a problem.
The Ameda electric breast pump can be operated via either AC power when at home or the office or via 6 AA batteries when you’re on the move.
Sometimes using the battery power with a breast pump will result in poorer performance than when connected with AC power.
And while some user reviews for the Ameda complain about this, the problem doesn’t seem to be as prevalent as it is with many of the other electric breast pumps on the market.
Safety Features
- The Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump’s parts are BPA free (a potentially harmful compound sometimes used in the manufacture of plastics), which is always important in any product that your baby will come into contact with.
- It’s also a closed system pump that means a diaphragm is used to ensure the tubing and motor are protected from overflow.
- This prevents milk from leaking into parts of the pump that are difficult to clean and possibly contaminating it.
Out of the box, the Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump comes with:
- A Dual Hygenikit milk collection system
- Your choice of microfiber backpack or tote, depending on the model you prefer
- An AC power adapter
- A Cool ’n’ carry milk storage bag with 3 cooling elements
- Six 4oz bottles with 2 pieces lock-tight caps and;
- An instruction manual.
The backpack version also comes with a car adapter, 2 cotton breast pads, and a manual pump handle.
Is it Easy to Clean?
One of the benefits of a closed system pump is that once the parts have been sterilized before first use, you won’t need to clean the tubing, caps or pump connectors regularly as they never come into contact with the milk.
The breast flange and bottles can be washed in the upper compartment of your dishwasher. But the valves and diaphragm will need to be hand-washed after each use.
Overall the Ameda Purely Yours is a cinch to clean compared to some of the other pumps out there.
What we like…
- The closed system that the Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump uses is a huge plus. When it comes to both hygiene and cleaning, a closed system is a great benefit.
- The other thing we like is the price. While the Ameda is slightly pricier than the Lansinoh Affinity, it also offers a tote or backpack, which the Lansinoh does not.
- All at a cheaper price than the impressive Medela Pump in Style.
What we don’t like…
- The first thing is the lack of a separate setting to induce let-down.
- While it is easy to achieve by setting a higher cycle setting at the start of the pumping session, it would have been nice to see this feature included.
- The other small gripe with the Ameda is the noise. One of the things we loved about the Medela Pump in Style breast pump was how quiet and discreet it was. The Ameda, however, is considerably louder.
- It’s not that much of a problem in the home but if you plan to use it at work, you’ll need to be comfortable with the crowd it attracts.
The Verdict…
It’s definitely an impressive pump and receives rave reviews. However, despite having a couple of benefits over the Medela Pump in Style Advanced Breast Pump, namely the closed system and the price, it’s not quite in the same league.
If you can’t afford the pricier Medela, then the Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump is a very good pump despite it’s few flaws.
4. Medela Freestyle Double Electric Breast Pump

The Medela Freestyle Breast Pump is Medela’s first hands-free double electric breast pump.
Despite its small palm-size design, the Medela Freestyle has very good power and performance.
And is loaded with the same expression technologies found in the larger Medela breast pumps including their exclusive Two-Phase Expression technology.
Feedback from Medela Freestyle Reviews shows its a big hit with working and on-the-go Moms.
It’s for these reasons we choose it as the best Medela double electric breast pump.
Overview of Features
The Medela Freestyle Breast Pump is very portable and convenient to use when away from home. Its lightweight and small design allow it to be easily carried inside a handbag.
It also utilizes a rechargeable battery, that can pump for 3 hours on a single charge. You, therefore, do not need to locate an outlet in order to pump which is a challenge with other pumps.
The Memory buttons on the pump also allow you to save your ideal pumping pattern so you can quickly and easily set the pump to your exact pumping preferences.
If you are looking for the best double electric pump for large breasts, this pump is a good option.
The Benefits:
- The Medela Freestyle Breast pump is extremely portable. It weighs less than a pound, can conveniently fit in a handbag and uses a rechargeable battery that can pump for 3 hours with only a single charge. This is especially useful for working Moms and Moms regularly on the go.
- The Freestyle uses Medela’s unique Two-Phase Expression technology that is designed to simulate a baby’s natural nursing rhythm. This allows Moms to express more milk in shorter periods of time.
- The Medela Freestyle Breast pump comes with a hands-free kit that allows Moms to move around and continue their regular activities while pumping. You are not forced to stay stationary during the entire pumping session which many Moms dislike.
- The Freestyle has a digital LCD display that contains a memory button which allows Moms to store and save their ideal pumping pattern and settings. This allows them to get a consistent pumping experience and express more milk as the pump maintains their ideal settings.
- Moms can feel confident and assured about the safety of their expressed milk as all parts of the Medela Freestyle breast pump that comes in contact with breast milk is BPA/DEHP Free.
The Disadvantages:
- Some Moms felt the bag that is provided with the Freestyle should have been bigger. This is because it has a very tight fit when all the accessories are loaded in the bag. Most moms seemed to use their own bags for the pump so this was not an issue for them.
- Accessories and replacement parts for the Freestyle pump are not available in local retail stores. Accessories for the pump must be ordered online.
What is the Difference Between a Manual and Electric Breast Pump?
A manual breast pump operates via a handle or pump that is pushed or pulled by hand to generate the suction required to express milk from the breasts into the bottles below.
An electric breast pump employs a motor that is operated via either AC power, batteries or both to generate suction.
A double electric breast pump is operated via a control panel or console. This has settings that can be adjusted for speed and suction levels.
The speed controls how frequently the suckling action occurs and the suction setting controls how much suction it generates.
It will often take a while to find the right balance and the most comfortable setting for your needs.
Electric Breast Pumps will usually generate more suction and produce more milk in lesser time than a manual pump.
If you plan on expressing milk frequently then investing in an electric breast pump is preferable.
Another benefit of an electric breast pump is that you’ll be able to perform other tasks once you get used to pumping.
Such as nursing your baby, reading a book or changing a diaper (although this one takes some getting used to).
Whereas a manual pump requires at least one hand at all times.
What is the Difference Between Double and Single Electric Breast Pump?
A single electric pump and a manual pump will only have one breast shield (the part that covers the breast). On the other hand, a double or dual electric breast pump will employ two breast shields.
A double electric breast pump generally saves time over either a single electric or manual pump. This is because the double electric pump will be able to pump both breasts in a similar time that it takes the other varieties to pump just one.
Double electric breast pumps can be a little trickier to get the hang of at first.
But if you plan to express milk regularly then they’re a worthwhile investment as pumping can be a very time-consuming task.
Are Double Electric Breast Pumps Harder to Clean?
Not at all.
While they come with a couple of extra parts, double electric pumps come apart just as easily as a single electric. And it’s either hand washable or dishwasher safe, depending on the brand.
The time you save expressing with a double electric will more than makeup for the extra few seconds it takes to wash the additional parts.
Are they Easy to Transport?
It’s obvious…
They’ll take up more space than a single electric or a manual pump. This is because of the extra breast shield and extra bottle.
So a dual electric breast pump won’t fit in your handbag or purse.
Many of the leading brands, however, do come with backpacks or carry bags. This means that if you need to leave the house or express it at the office, you can carry the pump and all the accessories together.
Our Top Pick
Medela Pump in Style Advanced – Editor’s Choice

As always, these things come down to personal preference, your situation, and your budget.
But if you’ve read reviews on the Medela Pump In Style Breast Pump then you’ll know that in our opinion, this is the best double electric breast pump.
And for that matter, this is the best breast pump… that money can buy.
Between the high-quality durable motor, the fantastic 2 phase expression technology, the large range of accessories it comes with and the high-quality parts, it sits well above the competition in most categories.
Our only real gripe with it is the price as it retails for a lot more than most other brands. However, we feel the overall quality justifies the price tag.
If you’re in the market for a good dual electric breast pump and you find the price good, then we recommend you pick it up.
If you can’t afford the Medela Pump In Style then the Ameda Purely Yours breast pump comes in an admirable second and won’t let you down.
Final Words
Choosing the best double electric breast pump isn’t difficult.
As long as you understand what you are looking for (which this guide should help you with) and have the budget to support the product that suits your preferences, you should be able to get the best pump.
And don’t be afraid to read more reviews on the product page of the breast pump you want to purchase.
There, you’ll see what other moms are saying about it and that should help you make an informed buying decision.
I hope you’ve have been able to decide on one. If not, look through with a keen eye and a budget to see what you can gain.
Finally, our recommended double electric breast pump is the Lansinoh Smartpump Double Electric Breast Pump.
Here are some other interesting models that you might like: