Seeing infants wearing jewelry is not uncommon, and it is almost always adorable. However, the safety of babies wearing these accessories is often enough overlooked, which is why we will talk about what age babies can wear jewelry and touch on essentials you need to know about it.
The American Academy of Pediatrics advises parents to steer away from putting jewelry on babies, especially ones that are younger than one year of age. Babies are sensitive, and due to their weak immune systems, it is wiser to hold on, for example, from piercing their ears until they are able to heal properly. There are some expectations to this rule, and we will cover them later. We have a lot to talk about, so let us begin without any delay.
1. Safety Concerns

As we previously mentioned, newborns have weak immune systems, and wearing jewelry can be hazardous to their sensitive skin. There are also dangers of choking and strangulation while wearing bracelets or similar accessories.
Babies love to put everything in their mouths, meaning that the accessories such as rings, beads, and anything with small parts are also off the table.
2. Recommended Age for Wearing Jewelry
For the reasons we have listed above, it is advised that parents should wait until their children are out of toddler or preschool age before wearing jewelry. If you want to pierce your child’s ears, it is advised to hold for at least until the baby is one year of age.
At this point, the kid’s immune system will get stronger, and the child will be able to regenerate and heal much better from an invasive procedure such as ear piercing. After your baby’s ears are pierced, it is important to use earrings that are hypoallergenic, and one of the shiniest examples of such jewelry can be found at, where you can browse for exceptional titanium accessories that will not harm your baby’s sensitive skin.
3. The Safety of Accessories Such as Necklaces and Bracelets

As a parent, it is vital to prioritize the safety of your child above all else. That is why following the guidelines set by the American Academy of Pediatrics is an absolute must. According to them, infants should not wear any kind of accessory, including necklaces or bracelets.
This is especially important when it comes to sleeping, as wearing accessories while sleeping can pose a serious suffocation risk. Parents should take this recommendation very seriously, as suffocation is one of the leading causes of death in children aged between one and four years.
Remember, when it comes to the safety of your baby, it is always better to be safe than sorry, and avoiding putting these types of accessories on your kids is a wiser decision.
4. Magnetic Parts of Jewelry Can Be Very Dangerous
Aside from the fact that small magnetic pieces on the jewelry can be a choking hazard, it is not the only danger that goes hand in hand with accessories of this type. If, by any chance, your child swallows accessories with magnets; the troubles start when the parts get to the digestive system.
Magnets will start attracting one another, which can lead to a serious problem and damage your baby’s tissue. As a result, in some extreme situations, this can lead to perforation in the bowel. Another problem that can occur is that the magnetic parts might not be able to pass through the baby’s sensitive digestive system, which can lead to a whole set of issues.
5. Avoid Wearing Jewelry Around Your Baby
As we mentioned before, babies are very curious and love to explore the world around them, which is fine to a certain point, where it can become dangerous. They put various objects into their mouth, which is why it is vital to avoid wearing any type of jewelry and accessories in their proximity.
You can accidentally misplace a ring or an earring without even noticing that your child got their tiny hands on it. It is likely that you will not be able to see that the baby has quickly swallowed it, so in order to prevent any types of hazards, ensure that your hands are squeaky clean, and accessory-free before carrying your baby around.
6. The Dangers of Lead Poisoning
Lead poisoning is an extremely dangerous thing that can occur when your baby is wearing jewelry made of questionable materials. This condition can lead to issues such as developmental delay, learning disabilities, fatigue, or even seizures.
In addition to all of this, lead accessories can cause a wide variety of rashes, as a baby’s skin is very sensitive and susceptible to irritations of different sorts. If you ultimately decide to buy your baby some jewelry, make sure that it is made of hypoallergenic materials. Metal-based accessories are usually the best choice to go for, and many parents across the globe typically go for titanium.
In case you want to purchase an accessory made of metal, make sure that it does not have sharp edges, as they can hurt the baby’s tender skin.
Things to Have In Mind Before Buying Jewelry for Your Baby

When buying accessories for your child, it is important to know some of the key aspects that will make the purchase safe for your child. Here are some essentials to keep in mind.
This is one of the most important considerations to make. Ensure that the piece of jewelry you are buying is made of hypoallergenic material. Sterling silver, solid gold, or titanium are some of the best options to go for.
Regardless of the type of accessory you are buying, it is crucial to get the correct size, especially if you are buying items such as bracelets or necklaces. Comfort and fit are vital for a baby to wear jewelry and should be one of your top priorities.
Small Parts
Avoid purchasing accessories with small parts that can easily fall off. These parts are choking hazards, and if your kid swallows them, it can lead to a series of highly serious health issues.
Final Words
The bottom line is that not all types of jewelry are safe for babies and that you should be mindful when making such a purchase. Always keep in mind that your baby’s health and well-being are the number one priority and that no amount of cuteness and visual appearance should ever get in the way of it.
Luckily there are pieces of jewelry that are entirely safe and hazard-free, so make sure to do thorough research and consult with pediatricians before making any investment in these beautiful accessories.